Theft Crime Attorney in Los Angeles
There are many different types of theft charges that you can face if you have allegedly removed property belonging to another person or party. Many of these can result in a felony on your record and jail time. For example, even shoplifting can become a serious offense. There are more serious theft crimes that could call for years in jail, restitution fines and other punishments.
Different types of theft crimes include grand larceny, petit larceny, armed robbery, and other types of theft. A theft crime can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony offense, depending on the specific circumstances surrounding your case. Early intervention can steer a case towards a less serious direction and resolution. In Los Angeles, a conviction can result in jail or prison time along with many other severe penalties. It is very important that you retain the services of a Theft Attorney, immediately.
Charged with a Theft Crime? Call Us 24/7
Call Bernard & Bernard or use our contact form so that we can start investigating your case immediately.
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